Wesley Woods Improvement Projects
Volunteers, staff and contractors worked hard through the summer and fall to make significant improvements all over camp. Completing the sale of other camp properties, while a difficult decision, has provided much needed capital resources for improvements at Wesley Woods Camp & Retreat Center, Lake Michigan Camp & Retreat and Lake Huron Retreat Center.
- The swimming pool was sandblasted, repaired and painted.
- The Nurses Cabin got a new roof.
- The bath house renovations are coming along — campers will be very pleased with the results!
- The Chapel got a new roof and some trees were removed to allow much more sunlight to shine on the roof and keep it cleaner and drier.
We can’t thank our volunteers enough! Redeemer Church in Dewitt has sent volunteer workers repeatedly and what an impact they’ve had! Volunteers Bev and Larry have been out more than 20 times in the last few months.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated and supported these projects! Stay tuned for more and visit our Facebook page for updates!
- Repairing the pool.
- Repairing the pool.
- Sandblasting the pool.
- Painting the pool,
- Painting the pool.
- Tucked in for the winter.
- Roofing the nurses cabin.
- Roofing the nurses cabin.
- Painting the bath house.
- Painting the bath house.
- Bath house addition.
- Bath house addition.
- After the new plumbing and painting.
- Roofing the Chapel.
- Roofing the Chapel.
- Some trees were removed around the Chapel.
- Staining the decking.
- Staining the decking.
- These volunteers love Wesley Woods!
- Larry and Bev have logged countless hours.
- We are so grateful to all the volunteers!